Archive for October, 2014

Heliox vs Air-Oxygen Mixtures for the Treatment

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Methods: The search strategy included searching electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, and The Cochrane Library) and the references of relevant articles. Study quality was assessed based on allocation concealment. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing heliox to an air-oxygen mixture (airO2) as an adjunct treatment in patients with acute asthmatic attacks were analyzed. For the qualitative portion of the analysis, all reports of the use of heliox in patients with acute asthma were included.  Heliox vs Air-Oxygen Mixtures

Results: Four RCTs (n = 278) were found to have a common respiratory parameter (peak expiratory flow rate as a percentage of predicted) suitable for meta-analysis. Within the 92% confidence interval (CI), there was a small benefit with the use of heliox compared to airO2 (weighted mean difference, + 3%; 95% CI, — 2 to + 8%). There was also a slight improvement in the dyspnea index (weighted mean difference, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.04 to 1.16) with the use of heliox over airO2. Overall, five RCTs, one nonrandomized unblinded parallel trial, one retrospective case-matched control trial, three case series, and one case report had results in favor of heliox; one RCT and one case series showed no improvement with heliox; one RCT showed a possible detrimental effect with heliox; and 1 small RCT was inconclusive. Most investigators did not prevent entrainment of room air during heliox use or compensate for the lower nebulizing efficiency of heliox.

Conclusion: Based on surrogate markers, heliox may offer mild-to-moderate benefits in patients with acute asthma within the first hour of use, but its advantages become less apparent beyond 1 h, as most conventionally treated patients improve to similar levels, with or without it. The effect of heliox may be more pronounced in more severe cases. There are insufficient data on whether heliox can avert tracheal intubation, or change intensive care and hospital admission rates and duration, or mortality.

Abbreviations: airO2 = air-oxygen mixture; CI = confidence interval; DI = dyspnea index/score; FEF25 75 = forced expiratory flow from 25 to 75% of vital capacity; P(A-a)O2 = alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient; PEFR = peak expiratory flow rate; PEFR% = peak expiratory flow rate as a percentage of predicted; PP = pulsus paradoxus; AP = pressure gradient; Q = fluid flow rate; p = gas density; Re = Reynold’s number; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RR = respiratory rate; Spo2 = arterial blood oxygenation.

Cardiogenic shock

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

We reviewed the complete charts of ah patients with cardiogenic shock admitted to the 31-bed Medico-Surgical Department of Intensive Care of the Erasme University Hospital from January 1999 to December 2000. Cardiogenic shock was defined by sustained (ie, for > 30 min) hypotension with a systolic pressure of < 90 mm Hg or a value 30 mm Hg below baseline levels, which was associated with a CI of < 2.2 L/min/m and a PAOP of > 15 mm Hg. Exclusion criteria were infection present on hospital admission, endocarditis or myocarditis, cirrhosis, arteriovenous shunt, other causes of shock (eg, hypovolemic, obstructive, or septic shock), and patients Generic Medications who had died as a result of neurologic impairment (ie, postanoxic states or brain death). Cardiogenic shock

In our department, all patients in shock are systematically managed according to a protocol including the insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) [7F or 7.5F Swan-Ganz catheter], fluid challenge (with close monitoring of filling pressures, CI and mixed venous saturation [Svo2]), the administration of dobutamine if the CI and Svo2 remain low despite adequate filling pressures, the addition of vasopressors (ie, dopamine, norepinephrine, or epinephrine) if the patient remains hypotensive despite the above, and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in refractory cases. The majority of patients receive a PAC capable of continuous cardiac output measurement.

We recorded all parameters during the entire course of cardiogenic shock, the final parameters being within the 24-h period prior to death. Measurements obtained during the agonal phase prior to death were excluded.

The patients were divided into ICU survivors and nonsurvivors. The nonsurvivors were subdivided into the following three groups: death from malignant arrhythmia; death with a low CI (ie, < 2.2 L/min/m32); and death with a normalized CI (ie, >2.2 L/min/m32). We compared the group of patients with cardiogenic shock who died with a low CI to the group who died with a normalized CI without infection, as sepsis may result in an increased CI. Data analysis between and within groups included an analysis of variance followed by Mann-Whitney U test with Bonferroni correction, and the Friedman test followed by Wil-coxon signed rank test with Bonferroni correction.

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Сardiogenic shock

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

There were no significant differences between the two groups in MAP, MPAP, HR, and infusion rates of vasoactive agents. The difference in CI between groups appeared early in the disease process, with the normalization of CI already evident 6 h after hospital admission in the normalized CI group. Accordingly, the standardized AUC of CI measurements over the first (mean ± SD) 24 ± 6 h after the onset of shock was significantly lower in the low-CI group than in the normalized AWC Pharmacy CI group (1.8 vs 2.4, respectively; p < 0.05), and the time course of SVRI rapidly diverged between the two groups. The median value of the final PAOP was slightly, but not significantly, higher in the low-CI group compared to the normalized CI group (p = 0.076).

There were no significant differences in blood CRP levels between the two groups.

low-CI group was 18 mm Hg compared to 13 mm Hg in the normalized CI group (p = 0.458). There were no significant differences in the Sa02, Sv02, O2ER, and arterial pH. However, the CI/O2ER ratio rapidly increased in the normalized CI group. While the final CI/O2ER values in both groups of patients were low, the patients in the normalized CI group remained closer to the line of reference. Blood lactate concentrations normalized more rapidly in this group. The final D02I was significantly higher in the normalized CI group. There was no significant difference in V02I. The final hemoglobin level was significantly lower in the normalized CI group, but this was likely due to the longer length of stay.

In experimental studies of cardiogenic shock in which no treatment Canadian Viagra online is instituted, death is attributed to the progressive failure of the left ventricular pump to maintain cardiac output and systemic pressures. The fatal course of cardiogenic shock is traditionally attributed to a so-called downward spiral of events that is associated with the activation of compensatory mechanisms, such as the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system, resulting in an increase in HR and contractility that raise myocardial oxygen demand and worsen myocardial ischemia, and vasoconstriction that increases myocardial after-load. The associated sodium and water retention can result in pulmonary congestion and hypoxemia.

Cognitive differences

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

There are limitations to the current study. The control group was of above average cognitive ability, thereby potentially overestimating cognitive differences. However, significant differences were still evident between the COPD groups after controlling for covariates. While our study had a prospective element, we do not know the state of the patients prior to the exacerbation that brought them into the study.

The patients in the COPD-E group had poorer scores than the stable patients across a range of measures of COPD severity, but we could not separate out acute effects of the disease Cheap Viagra online, including severity of exacerbation and other inpatient events from those that are more chronic. That would require preadmission measurement when the patients were in a stable state. Such a study would need to be large and resource intensive, since with annual hospitalization rates of 0.2 admissions per year and a 1-year mortality typically > 20%, it would be necessary to follow > 140 patients for 1 year to capture 30 episodes.

However, the absence of any evidence of recovery over 3 months suggests that the observed impairment is a relatively stable characteristic of these patients rather than the effect of the single acute event that we documented. We chose 3 months for our follow up point, since health status should have improved significantly. The interpretation of data from a longer follow up period would be problematic because of attrition of the most ill patients due to recurrent exacerbations in this high risk group and to survival bias. Finally, it is probable that there was an acquisition bias in the recruitment of exacerbating patients that may have excluded more severe patients. Those who were subjectively more frail were less likely to agree to participate, and in addition, 10% of the screened population was considered by the investigator to be too frail to participate; a further 10% had clinically apparent dementia and so were not recruited.

The clinical implications of these findings are quite significant. Over recent years there has been a drive for admission avoidance and early or supported discharge schemes. At an individual patient level, success will depend on the patient’s ability to function at home, and it is likely that cognitive ability will be a contributing factor to success.

The Nose and Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

The relationship between sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and nasal obstruction is unclear. In order to better understand, we performed an extensive computer-assisted review and analysis of the medical literature on this topic. Data were grouped into reports of normal control subjects, patients with isolated nasal obstruction, and those with SDB. We conclude that SDB can both result from and be worsened by nasal obstruction. Nasal breathing Buy Viagra pills increases ventilatory drive and nasal occlusion decreases pharyngeal patency in normal subjects. Nasal congestion from any cause predisposes to SDB. Although increased nasal resistance does not always correlate with symptoms of congestion, nasal congestion typically results in a switch to oronasal breathing that compromises the airway. Moreover, oral breathing in children may lead to the development of facial structural abnormalities associated with SDB. We postulate that the switch to oronasal breathing that occurs with chronic nasal conditions is a final common pathway for SDB.

Abbreviations: AHI = apnea-hypopnea index; CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; EDS = excessive daytime sleepiness; EMG = electromyography; NARES = nonallergic rhinitis with nasal eosinophilia syndrome; NR = nasal resistance; OSAS = obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; Pes = esophageal pressure; SDB = sleep-disordered breathing; UARS = upper airway resistance syndrome.

Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is common, afflicting as much as 2 to 4% of the population. The most studied form, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), occurs most often in middle-aged men and obese individuals. Thus, risk factors for OSAS were originally thought to be morbid obesity and male gender. As our understanding of OSAS and other forms of SDB improved, other risk factors surfaced. These include central obesity, family history, smoking, alcohol consumption, menopause, ethnicity, and craniofacial abnormalities. We have observed a number of patients in our pulmonary, allergy, and sleep medicine practices who have nasal disorders, including allergic rhinitis, in association with SDB.

Viagra Reviews: Reasons for Diseases

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

If the eyes become yellow, the liver does not function well. The liver is related to the digestion. Digestion – to circulation, and blood cleanness depends on the latter. Unclean blood blurs the mind, distorts thinking.

The coldness of the legs is due to unclean blood in the organism. Unclean blood produces electricity in the organism, and the clean one – magnetism. Electricity produces cold, and magnetism – warmth.

The more unclean one’s blood is, the worse he is.

By purifying your blood by deep breathing, you will find a way for purifying of your thoughts. Diseases are due to unclean blood and unclean food, which introduces unclean things in the stomach, which gradually poison the blood. The unclean blood bears diseases, causes indisposition, pessimism, laziness. One, who has clean blood, distinguishes with much energy and liveliness.

One, who breaths through the mouth, cannot be healthy.

By studying the processes of the human organism, you notice that some of the energies go out of the center of each cell and go outside in the space. Other energies come from outside and direct to the center of the cell. The place, where these energies meet, the activity in life is performed. If one of these flows of energies (the external or the internal) is blocked, various painful states occur in the organism. Each blockage destroys the normal circulation. As long as the circulation is not normal, the organism is exposed to various diseases.

The accumulation of solar energy in some parts of the body in larger quantity creates lots of painful states for the rest organs. In general, the organs, that get ill, are deprived of the needed quantity of energy. In order they to be healed, the needed energy has to be transferred to them mentally.

You have to study the laws of transforming the energy of one organ into another. All diseases of the organism are due to the not equal distribution of the energies in it, as a result of which the circulation is not normal.

Why do we suffer of headache? The headache is due to accumulation of cosmic energies in the brain.

The form of today’s people is nothing but prana in movement. When the prana is not equally distributed in the human body, diseases Viagra in Australia occur, and when the prana is not equally distributed in feelings, dissatisfaction occurs, when prana is not equally distributed in thoughts, senselessness is born.

Physical roughening begins with roughening of the skin, which is a conductor of the vital energies in nature. When the skin roughens, the flow of these energies becomes improper and one gets ill. Skin roughening does not mean tanning, cracking or hardening. The symptoms are other.